2 min readJul 19, 2022


Back in the jungle, the group of explorers traveled through the mud and the trees led by the young ape, Uja, who they’d met at the statue.

They watched their steps, careful not to attract any attention.
But underneath one of their boots, a twig snapped.
The explorers and Uja flinched.
“Don’t worry,” came a raspy voice from the trees above them. A caramel-colored tail uncurled and swung in front of their path. They looked up to find a it’s owner, the wild-cat, peering down at them from its golden eyes. “Even through your pathetic attempt to sneak through the jungle, I could smell you a mile away. And smell you from even further.
A clever smirk crossed its black lines of its mouth, perking up the long whiskers around it. White and black strands of hair hung from its jowls, framing its sleek head before turning back to the same caramel color, littered with dark brown — nearly black — spots. Above its head, two large ears flicked at the air.
“We’ve come for the items you stole!” said Uja.
“I didn’t steal them,” said the wild-cat. It observed the claws on its paw. “I took them.”
“That’s the same thing!”
“Same difference.”
“That’s what I just said!”
“So, your problem is?” the wild-cat peered back down at them.
The explorers scratched their heads, a wave of confusion sweeping over them. Uja shook his head. “Give the items back! We need them. We have to build our village.”
“So demanding,” The wild-cat purred, the same smirk re-forming with the lines of its mouth. “I love some passionate energy. It makes things so lively in this dull jungle. You know I’m not just going to give them to you. So let’s make things fun: for something intangible, I shall give you something tangible.”
Uja groaned. “What do we have to do?”
“Answer three riddles. And for each of my riddles that you solve, you may have one of the items from my collection.”
“They’re not yours,” Uja responded.
“They are in my possession, and therefore they are mine. And if you solve these riddles, they shall be yours again.”
Uja looked at the explorers, and then back at the wild-cat. “Fine, what are they?”
The wild-cat gave them a sly smile, its tale swinging back and forth over the branch.
“What brings darkness when light is the way?” The wild-cat began. “That’s your first one.”

Fear!” the explorers answered.
“In spite of the sun, I’m your mind’s shadow all day. Rain or shine, I don’t go away.”

“Uncertainty.” Answered the explorers again. The wild-cat frowned. “Very good. And your final one: what is my name?


